Airflow Skateboards 2020 - Evenflashback

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BWT Over 80 Cones Zürich Zürich, Rennweg ( CH)
Datum: 27.09.2009
Veranstalter:  Burningwheelstour

A Eventinfo:

On the «Multimobil» day the heart of Zürich belongs solely to ecofriendly mobility. The roads belong to pedestrians, cyclists, rollerskaters and skateboarders. For a few years, this day at the end of September gathers the slalomskateboard scene for a race called «Over 80 Cones».

Fotos by Johny Müller on

After an international juniors race, the open class started a short practise session. The first course was wide open, a lot of power was necessary in order to get a good time. Most riders used a bigger board, and the whole team Airflow was on C81's. I really like these kind of courses and I was really happy with my two runs. In the second round I was able to finish hwith a good time again. Since there wasn't enough time to try out different boards I switched to the foxy pro model. The third course was far from satisfying for most riders. Some didn't even get a time. I tried to make it to the finish line without throwing too many cones, however, as a downhill skater I'm lacking experience for those kind of tight courses. Ramón won all three rounds. The next thing was a 50 cones world record attempt. Out of 5 riders who tried to beat the record, only Ramón seemed to have a realistic chance, unfortunately he didn't make it. The title remains in Latvia. At this time there were almost no more spectators. Due to this the 4th round was cancelled. Ramón wins the «Over 80 Cones» again - Congrats from Airflow!

The event has a very special race format: 4 courses, getting tighter each round. The rider with the fastest time in the last round wins. The top riders don't need to push it too hard in the early rounds and can save their energy for the last round. Wouldn't the event be way more interesting, if the times from all four rounds were added, lowest total wins?

Still I'd like to say thank you to the organizers and sponsors. It was nice to see everybody again! Big ups to the boys on the mic and the DJ couple! For next year I hope there will be an overall ranking where not only the last round counts. Then I wish somebody could design a stable starting ramp, maybe with a staircase at the back...

Martin Siegrist, Airflow Skateboard

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